Menage a Quatre (Club M4)
Menage a Quatre (Club M4) Nightclub Info
Club M4 is Torontos Largest swingers club. With over 6000 Sq Feet of On premise Fun. Its a place you wont soon forget. Open 9pm to 2 am EVERY DAY. DETAILS: Menage a Quatre is an "on-premise" lifestyle club with approximately 5000 square feet dedicated to play area. The on-premise area includes a lounge with a full bar. Dress to impress! A strict dress code is not enforced. Women typically wear ...
Menage a Quatre (Club M4) Nightclub Events
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Menage a Quatre (Club M4) Nightclub Reviews
submitted by Kendra for Menage a Quatre (Club M4) Nightclub on January 15, 2025
I have been sick. So today i decided to jump on respond to emails. i had over 11 pages of emails. I got down to page 7 went to get something to eat, came back and it says account suspended. Got the email said for the following reason. And it was blank! Like wtf,
Overpriced & Overrated for Men
submitted by Stephen FB3 for Menage a Quatre (Club M4) Nightclub on October 30, 2024
Men should boycott until the admission price decreases. men pay $100 while women are free yet there are very few women that attend when compared to men. Girlfriends comment how there will be 30 men to each women. trish and jerry, womens choice you may have 5 women in attendance and a couple who come later. time for men to use supply and demand and vote with their feet. ever since covid men have seen an increase $60 then $80 now $100 yet now increase in women. a club guarentee should be in placed no women no ridiculous admission or refund accordingly. great marketing by m4 as web site and images doe not map to the reality.
submitted by Colin for Menage a Quatre (Club M4) Nightclub on August 9, 2024
Let's face it... Although the club's interior looks nice the business itself is a disaster. we went to couger night last night and there were all of 3 cougars there compared to about 15 guys. yes we were perhaps a little early arriving around 10pm. but, to be an hour into in the party and have virtually no one there really speaks to the poor quality of this club. i understand when a crowd does arrive (mainly on fridays and saturdays) the whole club is wall to wall sex mainly with couples doing the screwing with a whole bunch of single guys around the room jerking off to the action. club m4 management... how about this? separate the sex party from the drink and dancing party. have a party going on with dancing in one area and then the sex party with more if not all private rooms in another area. so its like going out for the evening and if you meet someone and hook up the necessary accommodations are right next to. we don't need to be having drinks and dancing with a girl giving a guy a blow job right next to us. and single guys should only be allowed in the club if they are invited by a couple or single woman. there is no more efficient manner to ruin a swinger's club than by allowing a whole bunch of single guys in the club just looking to get laid. single guys... If you can't get a girl to go with you to a swingers club... Then you have no business being there,
submitted by Forest Fire for Menage a Quatre (Club M4) Nightclub on May 19, 2022
The owners, the patrons and most of the staff are fabulous! Just wish rick astley & angry bird (his wife) weren't the first & last thing i saw entering or exiting the place! Stuck up, rude, know-it-alls! Make me sick! 🙄
submitted by John for Menage a Quatre (Club M4) Nightclub on March 6, 2022
This club is not what they make it out to be. Me and my wife have gone on a couples and on a none couples night to see what is offered. On both occasions we felt creeped out and unsafe. They have no security at the door or at the door. The staff are courteous and are willing to help and tend to your needs. But the club is full of creep’s and the club owner matt is also a super creepy person. We will not be going back. Please beware of this sex club. It caters to single men mainly. The environment is not sexy. Nothing to get your mojo stimulated. We didn’t and don’t feel safe. That is our biggest concern is how unsafe we felt being inside and outside. It is not what they make it out to be. I’ve been in this scene for a long time. There are better and safer places to go than this trash club.
Management and owners are creeps
submitted by Julia for Menage a Quatre (Club M4) Nightclub on August 27, 2020
Attempted to contact the proper people (the owners) at this club due to one of their managers, who goes by the name of matt. He did something really creepy. Without going into great detail, he was asked by a member of the club to get information from another member of the club about where someone lived. I know the person he was trying to find information about, as they are family.
Nobody at m4 answered my concerns about this guy. It's been almost two weeks. Their response was to suspend my online membership when i questioned matt's behavior.
This club also allows known consent violators admittance to their space, all the while they (m4) try to promote a safe environment.
No thanks. Creepshow management and proven consent violators roaming your club and you know about it? I'll take my business elsewhere, thankyouveryfuckingmuch.
This was cool.
submitted by Mike for Menage a Quatre (Club M4) Nightclub on April 15, 2019
Well, i was just introduced to club m4 by my girlfriend and i must admit that although i was somewhat nervous before i walked in, the staff was absolutely wonderful and made me fee completely as ease in no time flat. The tour was very good and the rules were very clear.
We had a few drinks had a little fun, some foreplay on the couches in the lounge and headed to the back for some voyeur fun and then made ourselves one of the shows.
It was very nice, we ended up having fantastic time and we will be visiting again in the near future.
Mr P
submitted by David for Menage a Quatre (Club M4) Nightclub on September 6, 2017
My gal and i were m4 semi regulars a few years ago before we parted ways and it wasn't until recently that i returned with my new gal.
Our first visit was on a friday and my it has changed!
Contrary to the policy of 2 years ago, there was a plethora of single men. So many so that there was a substantial line-up of about 10-15 men to gain access to the back playrooms at 11 pm. Inside, the men out numbered the women by at least 2x1. My gal was a little creeped out... "they are like mosquitos", she said.
We fled early and i promised her a much different experience last saturday which was a couples only night.
On this night the bar area was busy when we entered the empty back play area around 11 pm. Members started arriving around midnight and i noticed a significant difference from a few years ago. The crowd seemed older and many men and women were allowed in the rear play area partially dressed, some fully dressed. Most people kept to themselves and i overhead a few people complain that no one seemed to want to play or interact with others which i also found to be true.
We stayed until 2 am and left when the club was virtually empty. All in all, after the initial thrill, it was a little like watching grass grow.
We will likely return hoping for a change after checking-out the competition but it would be beneficial if the management tightens the house rules & reduces the number of single men. They are marketing m4 as the busiest club, but in my view, crowds matter little if one sex is over represented.
My 2 cents!
submitted by Ray for Menage a Quatre (Club M4) Nightclub on October 26, 2016
We had not been to the club in a few years and when we found ourselves in toronto for the weekend decided to check it out again. we were impressed by some of the changes that have been made to the club both physically and event wise. its clear that a lot of money has been put into updating and changing the decor of the club. the older furniture is gone and the club gives off a more nightclubish feel without losing the intimacy that was so appealing to us on our first visits. but more substantively the club has greatly expanded the hours and events that it offers. when we were there in 2013 i think the club was open four nights a week and never during the day. it is now open every night of the week and they have parties on both saturday and sunday afternoons. that really made the weekend for us! we went friday night, had a great time, slept late, made the 3pm afternoon party, had dinner and then came back that night just to dance. we were really too sore to play again...We were surprised by how busy the club has gotten. friday night was just crazy busy. we expected saturday afternoon to be quiet but i think the promoter said they had 75 people. then on saturday night although we did not go to the play rooms, the dance floor was crowded until 2am. all in all a great weekend. we would highly recommend it and look forward to our next visit to canada and clubm4.
Great time at club m4
submitted by Rob for Menage a Quatre (Club M4) Nightclub on June 6, 2016
So i'd never been to a sex club before so i was nervous heading in for my first time. I headed to the front and told the women at the front it was my first time and within minutes i had a very friendly women show myself around the bar and explain the rules. She made me feel much more comfortable as i walked through. The club looked clean and well maintained. After my tour i stopped and had a drink and spoke to the very friendly cute bartender for a bit. I then took a stroll to the bathroom where i instantly ran into a very sexy women in her 40's. I was maybe in the club for 20 mins and this sexy cougar brought me to the back and started giving me a unreal bj. Before i knew it i had her on all fours pounding her infront of a fairly large crowd. I've never really done this before so i just went with the flow. Had a great time and made some new friends. That was a sunday night i can't wait to experience a wknd there
Dissatisfied Customer
submitted by Burt for Menage a Quatre (Club M4) Nightclub on May 29, 2016
Went on saturday may 28th, arrived around 10pm found the front bar area extremely cold and we wished we wore coats to stay warm, found the two bartenders more interested in dancing to the music than providing drinks to the customers at the bar. Walked into the rear bar area and found it warmer there, the solo black bartender did an extremely good job keeping up with the drink orders for probably three times the customers than the front bar had. Just before midnight an announcement was made that the rear bar area was part of the playroom so the patrons would either have to get naked or move to the front bar area. The majority of people moved to the front bar and the insufficient service which only got worse with the increase of people wanting drinks. As we looked around, a female started performing oral sex on a male sitting about six feet from the bar, distracting both some of the customers and one of the bartenders. I mentioned to the bartender that i thought the play area was in the back and her response was, what are you going to do. I asked her if i could go in the back clothed and watch people have sex and her response was no, unless i was naked. I told her that i really didn't want to stand clothed in the front bar clothed and watch people have sex then. I think my statement went over her head. Needless to say, i finished my $7.25 drink and walked out shaking my head, vowing never to return. I've been to several clubs both in canada and the u.S. And found m4 one of those places that attempts to be a high class swingers club on a paupers budget.
mr and mrs
submitted by Pat for Menage a Quatre (Club M4) Nightclub on August 30, 2014
My wife and myself went there for our first visit to a club like this it was disgusting if your into really overweight people you will love it we were there for 20 min and could not get out of there fast enough we always wanted to know what it would be like to be in this lifestyle and this place ruined that fantasy the place was a hole not at all what it looks like on the website
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