Odd Thomas Saturdays

Saturdays @ Odd Thomas


Odd Thomas Saturdays @ Odd Thomas

Saturday night with the #OddKids
Come #GetOdd

Soundtrack to the night by GRUMP
For Guestlist/Keg Service call or email: 416-979-0131 info@oddthomasbar.com
Odd Thomas, 31 Mercer St., Toronto, ON
Entertainment District
Event Type
Weekly Event
Every Saturday
Mature, Young Professionals

Odd Thomas Info

Odd Thomas is a brand new nightclub and lounge on the second floor of Mascot Brewery that will feature craft beer and fresh cocktails overseen by head bartender Jay Meyers, and light & shareable snacks from chef Rory McGouran. With a “carefully curated selection of Mascot Brewery beers alongside rotating local guest taps,” Odd Thomas will offer a tableside mini-keg service as a unique twist on the bottle service available at other venues in the area!

This is sure to be one of Toronto's newest hot spots!

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